Musicals & Plays
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Alba and The Underworld
Co-written with Thomas Blakeley and Devin Weitz
Home for the Holidays
Co-written with Kat Zimmerman
Dramaturgy by Elise Dewsburry and Angela Parrish
Food for Thought
Co-written with Zev Burrows
After a concierge to the dead finds a mortal boy's yo-yo, which causes destructive bugs to manifest in the underworld, she must venture through the underworld to return the yo-yo to the waking world to bring balance to the afterlife. This is a kids animated movie musical adventure and 120 pages.
This musical won a 2020 Merit Award from New Musicals Inc. for their New Voices Competition and Placed as a Quarterfinalist for the 2020 Screencraft Animation Competition.
As a family grapples with the grief of losing a beloved grandfather, two tweens cancel the holidays, and are kidnapped by a Christmas Carol inspired Ghost for a time traveling reckoning. To get out of time and go home, the siblings must learn the true meaning of the holidays and traditions their family celebrates. This family friendly 90 minute musical was inspired by A Christmas Carol and was written for the stage.
This show had a developmental concert reading produced by New Musicals Inc. in December 2022, an excerpt performed in the Alliance for Jewish Theatre’s Conference Showcase in November 2022, and sections workshopped through the Alliance for Jewish Theatre’s Macher Lab in September 2022.
Chelsea is an anxious social media whiz who volunteers part time for Yummy Food Magazine with photography buff Morgan. When their boss Erica offers them the opportunity to apply for their paid internship program, they both decide to take their shot. To apply, they have to write a story about the local Walnut Creek Waffle Haus, and try the horrible waffles that have lost the restaurant business. However, Chelsea’s waffles vanish from her plate, and her little sister Chloe blames the disappearance on aliens. With the Waffle Haus closing for good, Chelsea and Chloe play detective to get back the missing waffles before the internship application deadline. With the astronomy club at their backs and the torrential rain causing power outages all over town, will Chelsea be able to try the waffles in time to write a story? Or will her tasty dreams turn into mush before she can break the glass ceiling? This is a full length musical written for the stage.
This show had a concert reading at New Musicals Inc. in November 2023.

Fault Lines
Co-written with Devin Weitz
Fault Lines is about the “big one” finally hitting LA. As the Earthquake wrecks an apartment building, sinking it into the ground, the quake exposes four very different rooms and the cracks within each of their relationships. Four apartments, once separated by walls and hallways, now blend together. As the literal lines of the apartment crumble, so do the relationships inside, and we discover what is driving each room apart – and some rooms are even brought together. As the apartment people wait to be rescued from the outside world, they reckon with the baggage they each carry, and lean on each other to get through the night. This musical is currently being drafted and is halfway done!

Co-written with Angela Parrish
In this concept musical, physically and/or mentally sick people meet at a support group, to seek understanding, healing, and maybe even friendship. This show is currently being drafted and is halfway done!

A Holiday Cycle
Co-written with Joely Zuker
Two best friends, Stephanie and Hannah must address their upcoming high school graduations, while reeling from the burning secret of their previous sexual encounter. Starting on Fourth of July and ending on Hannah’s graduation, each podcast episode reflects how that specific holiday sounds musically and incorporates the holiday into the scene. This show explores sexuality, toxic friendship, codependency, consent, and how holidays bring out the best and worst in us all. This podcast musical is currently being drafted and is halfway done!

Heavy Heart
Co-written with Hannah C. Langley and Angela Parrish
IDA, a Los Angeles-based burlesque performer, must choose between heart valve replacement surgery and advancement in the burlesque world — losing her partner, and potentially, her life in the process.
This 15-minute musical had a concert reading at New Musicals Inc. in 2019 and was published with Fleas on the Dog, Volume 8 in 2021.

A Family Portrait
Co-written with Angela Parrish
Estranged siblings Elizabeth and Todd have to come together after their parent's deaths to find the portrait they left behind. However, not everything is as it seems, and the siblings have to reconcile their feelings about their parents, their spouses, and each other.
This 15-minute musical had a world premiere at the Hollywood Fringe Festival and was produced by Microtheatre Miami in 2018.

Slightly Composed
Co-written with Melissa Axel and Jeff Hoepner
Olivia, a struggling post grad composer who suffers from chronic panic attacks, clashes with a
music producer to rewrite and revise her jingle for a cat food commercial.
This 15-minute musical had a concert reading at New Musicals Inc. in 2019.

Falling Apart While Learning to Cook (A Recipe for an Empty Nest)
After Susan finds out that her final daughter to leave for college is moving all the way to London, she uses her empty nest nervous breakdown and midlife crisis to quit her job and enroll in culinary school. However, trial by literal fire isn’t what she expected, and Susan has to figure out who she wants to be – as a chef, spouse, and mother. This full length play is 100 pages and ready for production!
This play was chosen as a Semi-Finalist (30 chosen out of 411 applications) in the Morgan-Wixson New Works Festival, 2023

Blurrred: A Modern Fairy Tale
Dramaturgy by Max Fink
Nearby a magical forest, Red Riding Hood fights with her younger sister Blue about selling muffins to wolves. After Red’s wolf related PTSD explodes, Blue storms off into the woods. Realizing her sister is in danger, Red conscripts her Grandma, and a passing through Witch, to go in search of Blue before she’s thrown to the wolves. However, not all is as it seems and Red’s prejudices are exposed as they journey deeper into the forest.
This show had a reading at the Southeast Texas Festival of New Plays in 2019. A monologue from this piece is was published in WE-US: “Monologues for Gender Minority Characters” Anthology, by Smith and Kraus in 2022
This show also had a festival production at the Drama House Ireland Theatre Festival, Produced by Giant Wolf Theatre Company, 2024

Pirate's Weekend: Three Nights in a Harbor
Three sisters go to Catalina Island for an sisterly getaway, not expecting it to be hosting a Pirate's Weekend event! After disguising herself as a man to get into a contest, Jessica tumbles through trials and tribulations to become Pirate King in this farcical comedy of errors.
This play had a reading at The Fountain Theatre in 2017.

Death Bites
Young disease survivor AMY must decide whether dying is worth living, or if living is worth un-dying when a vampire named DRACULA appears to offer her a painless death or eternal life.
This play had a Reading at Queens Theatre in 2018 and was produced at The Lincoln Center's Virtual ADA30 Celebration in 2020.

The Escape
Four quirky inmates attempt to escape a prison while juggling their relationships before their window of freedom runs out.
This play had a reading at the Benson Theatre for the Queens Theatre Disability Plays Readings in 2024.